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Pic of the week


Sailor Moon

Sailor mercury

Sailor Mars

Jupiter Venus and Chibi-Chibi

Sailor Mini Moon

Sailor Saturn

Neptune And Uranus

Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Baddies 1

Baddies 2

Baddies and movie baddies


About me

Learn a little about..do do do! Me!

This is the page where you can find a little( a little) info about your webmistress :)

About Me

Name: Ashley
Favourite Food: Cherry Cheesecake
Least Favorite Food: Any Green vegetable yuck :S
Favorite Color: Blue
Least favorite color: Brown and somewhat Pink
Chracteristics: Nice,Sweet,Kind,Loyal,Quiet,Shy.
Favorite Scout: Sailor Saturn
Age: Between 12-20
Favorite anime: I'll watch anything
Favourite flavor:Rasperry and orange

I'm weird lol


Emaiiiil Emaiiiil Emaiiiil
Webmisstress Ash