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Japanese Name: Chibi Usa
Pronunciation: CHEE-BEE OO-SAH
Meaning: Small Rabbit
North American name: Reeny (short for Serena)
Identities: Chibi Usa, Sailor Chibi Moon, Small Lady, Princess Serenity (in the future)
Favorite food: pudding
Least favorite food: carrots
Blood type: O -
Birthday: June 30
Birthstone: pearl
Astrological sign: Cancer
Age: 9
School: Minatoku Juuban elementary school
Favorite subject: drawing
Least favorite subject: Japanese, languages
Favorite color: pink
Favorite gemstone: diamond
Hobbies: arguing with Usagi, collecting rabbit paraphanillia
Strong points: getting people to give her things, getting people to do what she wants
Has trouble with: taking care of the house, thunderstoms
Dream: to become a lady
Powers: Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Double Moon Kick, also she has the power of the ginzuishou

Sailor Mini Moon

Just in case you are wondering, Chibi-Usa's name is actually Usagi, although for the sake of not confusing the two, the younger one likes to be called Chibi-Usa.
In Sailor Moon R, Chibi-Usa goes back into the past to find the Silver Moon Crystal, to try and save Crystal Tokyo and her mother.

In end of Sailor Moon R, Chibi-Usa comes back to begin her training as the Sailor Senshi of the future moon.

In Sailor Moon SS, Chibi-Usa plays a major roll. She is the human that Helios contacts and trusts.


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My opinion on sailor mini moon

To me her voice is kind of annoying in sailormoon s and ss it gets on my nerves.
She is cute though :) I want pink hair!
She is so much like her mother though! If she wasn't I'd probably like her more. Rini quit being like serena!