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Sailor Moon
Sailor mercury
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Sailor Mercury
Japanese name: Mizuno Ami Pronunciation: MEE-ZOO-NO AH-MEE Meaning: beauty of water
North American name: Amy Anderson
First NA name considered: Blue
Second NA name considered: Amy
Identities:Mizuno Ami, Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury
Favorite food: sandwiches
Least favorite food: Yellow Tail Tuna
Blood Type: A
Birthday: September 10
Astrological sign: Virgo
Birth stone: saphire
Age: 14
School: Juuban Junior High
Favorite subject: Math
Least Favorite subject: none
Favorite color: blue
Favorite animal (NA version): cat
Hobbies: Reading, playing chess, and swimming
Dream: to become a doctor
Strong points: calculating, strategy, smart
Has trouble with: love letters, practical jokes
Day of the week: Wednesday
Kanji (planet or element) used: Water
Transformations: Mercury Power Make-UP, Mercury Star Power.. Make-UP, Mercury Crystal Power.. Make-UP!
Powers: Shabon Spray, Shabon Spray Freezing,, Shine Aqua Illusion, Mercury Aqua Mirage (used solely in "Ami-chan no hatsu koi" (Ami-chan’s first love), Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
Items: Transformation Pen, Super Mini Computer
Info on ami
Ami is the brains of the team. Anytime anything mentally complex presents itself, she rises to the challenge. Rated with an IQ approaching that of a genius, she can generally solve almost any puzzle that the Sailor Senshi find themselves in. She is also the most aware of Usagi being an emotional teenager, and not just a super heroine who isn't sensitive to the needs of a young girl. As a Sailor Senshi, Ami also fits the description of the idiom 'Brainpower over firepower'.
My opinion on Sailor Mercury
I like ami a lot I think she's cool :) She's smart,nice,tolerent,and shy :D I like her attacks n' stuff, plus I like the element water. Considering I'm a scorpio and all.