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Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus ( the only page without my thoughts I have no comment...)

Sailor Neptune Info

Japanese name: Michiru Kaiou
Meaning: full king of the ocean
North American name:Nerissa
Identities: Michiru Kaiou, Sailor Neptune
Favorite food: sashimi(meat strips)
Least favorite food: kikurage mushrooms
Blood type: O
Birthday: March 6
Astrological sign: Pisces
Age: 18
School: Mugen Gakuen High School
Favorite subject: Music
Least favorite subject: none
Favorite colors: marine blue
Hobbies:Vilolin, painting, swimming, collecting cosmetics
Strong points: violins
Has trouble with: sea cucumbers
Dream: to be a violinist
Powers: Deep Submerge

Sailor Neptune appears at the beginning of Sailor Moon S and carries the second talisman; the Deep Aqua Mirror.
Michiru's intellect is the greatest of her assets. Unlike her partner Haruka, Michiru considers the implications of her actions before going into action. She also has a very calm personality. She is very skilled at painting, swimming and playing her violin.

As Sailor Neptune, she is also very serious, and like Haruka, willing to die for her cause. However, she does not want to see Haruka get hurt, and has often compromised her position to protect her partner.

In Sailor Moon Stars she and Uranus join with Galaxia (by taking her bracelets). But their power breaks the evil spell and they turn agaisnt Galaxia and attack just before they are destroyed.



Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus

Sailor Uranus


Sailor Uranus Info

Japanese name: Tenou Haruka
Meaning: Distant sky ruler/distant heaven ruler
North American name: Corinn
Identities: Haruka Tenou, Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus
Favorite food: salads
Least favorite food: fermented soybeans
Blood type: B
Birthday: January 27
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Age: 18
School: Mugen Gakuen High School
Favorite subject: Physical education
Least favorite subject: Modern Japanese
Favorite colors: gold
Favorite gemstone: amber
Hobbies: driving, racing, running, flirting with and teasing pretty girls, playing the piano
Strong points: racing
Has trouble with: confessions/love
Dream: to be a racer
Powers: World shaking, Space sword Blaster

Sailor Uranus appears at the beginning of Sailor Moon S and possessed the first talisman; the Space Sword.
From her physical appearance, Haruka is almost indistinguishable from a boy. But, by adding to this fact that she acts like a boy by driving around on her motorcycle compounds the confusion of those who don't know her particularly well. She prefers to wear the male school uniform. For many girls, Haruka appears to be a handsome boy. However, when the Inner Senshi get crushes on her, Haruka teases them plentifully, especially after they find out that she is really a girl.

As Sailor Uranus, she takes a more serious turn. She is utterly devoted to her mission, and is willing to sacrifice her and her partner's life if it would save the universe. It looks as though Michiru and Haruka's relationship is even more powerful in the Manga.